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A Healthier Church?

"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me." - St Paul in Colossians 1:28,29

Starting this Tuesday, we will be running the Morning Office from 7.30 to 7.50 am daily via Zoom. This will go on from Monday to Friday. You can join the zoom link here.

I have always wanted to help MPCC-ers to get into a habit of some form of daily prayer and Scripture reading. The Zoom platform simply allows us this opportunity to experience a bit of the disciplines of “monastic life.” Even if some of you cannot commit to it daily, even committing some days to it can be a good discipline.

I have written about the importance of the rule of life and how one may manage burnt out experiences. Measures like this is to give some emphasis on “soul-care.”

There have been many precious lessons learnt during the Covid lockdown. I like us to recall them. As life bounces back with vengeance, it can be easy to forget what we have learned.

When we first arrived at MPCC, there were restrictions to social interactions. We can recall the conversations in groups of eight or less at the conference room. Both Jen and myself have very warm memories of those meetings. There were some heartfelt conversations and one can say that we “connected” heart to heart as we began to get acquainted with one another. We must find some way to continue these conversations.

I have mentioned this before. A member in one of meetings quipped that he hope I am not here just to grow the church – and by that he meant numerically – but to focus on helping each member to grow spiritually. Well-said. That was a needful reminder.

All around in our society, there has been massive focus on health-care and mental well-being. “Healthier SG” is an attempt to switch focus on preventive care. Likewise, the church needs to focus on her fundamental call to care for the spiritual lives of each member that “in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 1:2).

This need to continue to be our priorities as we move forward. The Morning Office is just one small step towards a “Healthier Church.”


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