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Inhabiting Your Space

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. - Ephesians 2:10

This has been a very full and emotional week, of "a wedding and a funeral." The wake and funeral Services for Joseph Chean was followed by my niece’s wedding. This meant that my own family are all in town.

Joseph Chean will continue to be sorely missed. Though not indispensable, he is unique and seems to inhabit a space that few are. He was very inspiring and was looked up to as a mentor and example. These included close friends or observers from afar.

I have personally wish that I could have some of his gifts, especially that of leadership influence. For as I look at our generation and succeeding ones, I always hope I can do more to inspire or encourage them to live well for Christ or find their destiny in Him, aka Ephesians 2:10.

That said, while we mourn the loss of an exceptional leader, the fact is many of His saints continue to light up their corners, large or small. We continue to trust that He will build His church. Often, this is happening in ways which can be unbeknown to us. This includes many saints out there, salting and illuminating through time and space. The Chruch will always have exceptional saints and leaders.

And you do have your space. You have an area of influence where you can make a difference for Christ. This may be your family, classmates, colleagues or just another individual. If each of us are faithful to our own call, there is a collective influence which can have a rippling effect. Through the lens of the Parable of the Talents, do you think you have one, two or five? The size of the base you start with matters less than the call to multiply whatever you have.

We should not forget though that it was our Lord Jesus Christ who made it possible for us to be influencers, to be "fishers of men." His life is the huge impact and energy which caused the ripples which we continue to see today.

May Joseph's life continue to inspire us to inhabit our space well and be the best versions of ourselves.


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