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Church Camp Reflections

We want to thank the very dedicated Camp Committee for the advance and detailed planning. Getting everyone to Ipoh wasn’t easy. The constant communication (especially through the broadcast) was also appreciated. Some youths spent time organising the fun games which were enjoyed by many.

We are thankful to Ps Mary Chan and members of Church of Praise for their support in our children ministry and for leading an evening in worship. Ps Mary and her team dedicated themselves to be a blessing to our children and helped them to recognise the presence and voice of God. She also preached one message where she urged us to do“one thing which is necessary”- to listen to God daily.

Archdeacon Daniel Wee preached on our Camp theme “Let your light shine.” He urged us to show “other side.”

He shared on the urgency facing our churches which are getting older in terms of our demography. We need to recognise the times and respond accordingly. Ps Barney Lau preached on various aspects of discipleship and urged MPCC to give priority to mentoring, especially the mentoring of those who are younger in our midst. We also baptised and welcome Michael.

There is indeed much to reflect on as we seek to change the way we do church and reposition our values and priorities. Even while we enter into a season of prayer and seeking the Lord, in some areas, obedience to the Word given is clearly needed.

A short article cannot capture fully the many blessings of this Camp. Most will stay as memories, however rich, remembered only when we view the photos and videos. The best response is to follow through with a renewed commitment and allow this Camp to mark a significant milestone in our spiritual journey.


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