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Count Your Many Blessings

We have arrived in 2021. Each of us can be thankful. None of us were one of those 1.7 million who sadly passed away in 2020 from Covid19 worldwide.

We are still here. Our time on earth is not over yet.

Will we live our lives with a deep sense of divine purpose?

Will we have eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11) instead of one which is dominated by temporal concerns or harmful desires?

And with Phase 3 here, will we regather? Will we sing and make music from the heart to the Lord (Ephesians 5:19)? Will we hear His Word together? Will we break bread together?

The gift of friends and family is precious. Over the difficult year of 2020, we have come to treasure each other more. We need to encourage and inspire each other to the better things in life, the "essentials."

What can be more essential than love? What can be more essential than our walk with God? Or, helping each other to live well for the Lord 24/7 in whatever work, study or domestic life we engage in?

Yes, we can't quite mingle as yet. Perhaps we can arrange for some coffee in groups of up to eight at nearby shops after the service. If you invited a friend, this is one great way to introduce them to others.

As the hymn goes, "Count your many blessings, name them one by one." May we treasure the many simple blessings in life ; and may we experience more of them this year, as we seek to be a blessing to others.


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