Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth.Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! Psalm 127: 3-5
I will be giving away my daughter Sarah in marriage and marrying her this Saturday. My friends asked if I will be very sad. We will be of course but we have also been letting go of our daughters in stages since they left and started studying overseas.
We are also very grateful for His provision. Not having to worry too much about domestic matters also meant that we could focus on our ministry responsibilities. We have only two children which is far from the “quiver-full” expectations in ancient times or in some societies. That said our quivers are always full as we embraced spiritual children in whichever parish we are sent to.
Our nest may be empty but we have another nearby nest. It is almost a daily affair eating - and sometimes cooking for – our parents next door. It is a blessing for us to watch our parent age graciously and enjoy family life as “grown up children” and caring for them at this season.
Being a pastor for so much of my life, I am also aware that these are blessings which not every family enjoys. Yet, we are all blessed in some way. I have met families who have a lot less and yet just as joyful and at peace. That we have each other, that is. a blessing in itself, above and beyond our material wealth, educational or career success.
That said, we need to be mindful of those who have far less. A few of our staff and members had the privilege to accompany the clients from St Andrew’s Adult Homes for an outing this week. Activities like these are just some small ways in which we can support these families.
I can recall being a young clergy at Jurong Christian Centre in the 1990s when we were married. Yes, I was already a deacon before we tied the knot. The small 70+ congregation celebrated our wedding. So, this Saturday, I will be inviting our MPCC family to celebrate with us as well. For those who are driving, it will be cheaper to park at the nearby shopping centres.
I look forward to seeing many of you at today’s AGM. There is no reason to have a long one and we will manage it efficiently. We also invite your questions and participation. See you there.