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Entering the Mysteries of Christ in the Holy Week

We had a wonderful time last weekend over post-Service meals. The communal time, though casual, is precious. It was a good opportunity to introduce or meet new people.

Ministry almost always springs from relationships. No matter how introverted we may be, our love will always move us to reach out to others. If love is defined as “time + energy,” the expending of both is indeed one way to show His love. Sometimes it results in very visible results like salvation or discipleship maturity. Other times, it may seem fruitless. We should remain faithful in planting but let God grant the growth (1 Corinthians 3:6-9).

The current plan is to regular serve hot drinks, toasts and soft-boiled eggs. If individuals or Cells will like to contribute additional items, they may do so. Do contact Pas Serene Khong if you wish to help. Do stay back after the Service even if you can only spare a short time.

We are entering onto Holy Week. Our Church has a deep monastic tradition of meditating and ruminating on the mysteries of Christ’s Passion. Monastic theology is not just focused on abstract or theoretical knowledge, but is rich in theology born out of love and experiences. This involve vision and contemplation (theoria and speculatio). The way of doing this is rooted in Jewish and Christian history. It entails a ruminative reading of Holy Scriptures (lectio divina and meditatio), in the context of regular personal and communal use of prayers, hymns and liturgy.

The Passion Week is indeed full of “mysteries.” In the letter of St Paul, Christianity is described as a mystery (see 1 Cor 2:1, Ephe 1:8-10, 3:9, Col 1:25-27). This mystery, concealed in time has been revealed to us through Christ. The mystery of Christ is the avenue from which God emerges from silence, unveiled Himself, His plans and made Himself known to us. This mystery is God-becoming-present in the flesh, blood, life, death and resurrection of Emmanuel, God-with-us Jesus Christ, His Son.

Every Passion Week, we meditate and follow Christ through the key events. Through His Spirit, we will always draw fresh revelation, insight and inner wisdom. Mutual self-presencing is important: our becoming present to God who first makes Himself present to us in Christ. Whether you are reading the Scriptures on your own or participating in the Services, do be fully present, ruminating and meditating. And yes, singing!

And as we do so, we are also carrying with us in intercession for those who are suffering deep darkness and untold grief, especially those caught up in the senseless and tragic violence of wars. There are cries and echoes of suffering which can only be carried by Christ in the tragedy of the Cross, with hope placed in a resurrected future.

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