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Sharing some plans for the season ahead

Vicar Writes : Staff Planning Retreat in Oct 2022

We celebrated Melvin's birthday at the retreat

We held a Staff Planning Retreat last weekend. A few lay leaders joined us, especially those who are heading ministries. The following were discussed or decided on:

Ministry to Seniors

Throughout this period, there have been visitations, conducted mostly by our pastors. From here, and as restriction eases, we hope to formalize this ministry. Pas Serene Khong will be heading it, assisted by Revd Tan Piah and a few others. Jeffrey Kek is overseeing their transport needs to church.

The team will also be launching monthly gatherings on Wed morning for seniors or others who are free to join. We also hope to restart Happy Times. For those who have ideas or wish to assist, please see Ps Serene.

Christian Education

We have started the Rediscovering the Anglican Church track and can expect at least three modules to be run yearly. We will also start a discipleship or spiritual growth track in 2023.

Marriage and Family

Working closely with parishes in our Eastern Cluster, we also plan to run a seminar or conference on Marriage and Human Sexuality in the first half of 2023. We will also be conducting a Marriage Renewal Course for married couples in the first quarter of 2023.


We are working with some parishes in our cluster to offer counselling opportunities for those in need. This may be free or involve a subsidized fee. More information will be given soon.

Cell Ministry

We look forward to the Cell Leaders gathering on 19 Nov. We are clustering our Cells into three groupings and this will be shared at the gathering. We will also discontinue our Cell materials based on our sermons. Instead, we will be recommending various studies. We discussed the possibility of starting new Cell groups, particularly one in the West.

Missions and Local Outreach

Ps Emmanuel and Ps Serena will be heading this area. We will continue to support Bee Ngoh's ministry in Cambodia, the work in India and come behind Revd Bernard Yee’s work in Lat Krabang, Bangkok. Locally, we are committed to support the work of St Andrew’s Adult Home at Sengkang.

Family Carnival in 2023

We hope to organise one on 28 Oct or 4 Nov. We also noted that our Eastern Cluster is planning a Christmas Carnival at St Andrew’s Autism Center in December.

Worship & AV Ministry

This area was discussed extensively. We noted the stretch when teams have to serve at both the Saturday and Sunday Services, along with the need to be at the practice. We are thankful for everyone’s faithful commitment.


We plan to run two course yearly, starting in February and August. We will try to keep it to ten weeks, including the Weekend Away. We noted the effectiveness of the new Chinese series. We hope to work closely with our Chinese congregation to have bi-lingual small groups in every course. Cells can plan their participation. The Youths are also hoping to run one on their own.

Youth Ministry

Emily, who currently leads the ministry shared on the blessings and challenges. They also look forward to Eliza returning from her studies in TCC by mid of 2023. She will serve as Staff Pastoral Advisor.


We hope to start improvement works at the frontage of the church after Chinese New Year.

Christmas 2022

The theme is ‘Home for Christmas’, with emphasis on participation by all.


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