I want to thank you all who have helped to prepare and ensured that last Sunday’s AGM ran smoothly. Here are some reflections on the year that has passed.
I am grateful for our two wardens, Lee Chew Chiat and Lillian Kek, whose wisdom and experience have been invaluable in addressing church matters. Additionally, I engage with a wider circle, informally called the “Exco,” which includes Keith Lim and Kenneth Ou. In 2023, we established a Finance and HR Committee (Sally, Lillian Kek, Kenneth Ou, Chin Hee, and Keith Lim) to support the PCC in financial and HR matters. This committee has worked diligently on our monthly accounts and improved insurance schemes for staff, thanks to Lillian Kek's active involvement.
When it comes to finances, the work can be heavy. I am grateful to Sally and Chin Hee for their dedication and attentiveness to the management of our finances.
The 2024/2025 Parochial Church Council was voted in en-bloc as all those who were standing are incumbents. Lee Chew Chiat was reappointed as the Vicar’s Warden. Lilian Tan Kian Bee was returned as People’s Warden. The rest of the PCC members are Yvonne Cheong, Lim Chin Hee, Sally Lim, Kenneth Ou , Paulo Tolentino and Keith Lim. Keith Lim and Lee Chew Chiat continues as our Synod Reps. We can expect PCC to co-opt one or two more when they next meet. I want to thank Andrew Chong and Melvin Au for serving for a season and trust that as you step down, you will be open to serving again in future.
As I reflect on the coming years, I sense the need for intentional planning, inspired by Psalm 90:12: “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” This requires us to consider our direction for the next five years.
Intentional planning means building "brick by brick," knowing that what we do today will impact the future. It involves cultivating leaders, preachers, and counselors, and ensuring we have the necessary facilities to support growth and ministry.
We need to engage in ongoing reflection and prayer to discern how MPCC will develop over the next five years. In my AGM addresses, I highlighted a few areas which will need our attention. At the AGM, questions were also raised regarding the involvement of those who are younger in our midstand whether we are an “aging church.” Sobering questions indeed and we did call ourselves to a season of prayer.
Now, I have been a pastor long enough to know that the church in in His hands. We may commit ourselves to plan and posture. As we surge ahead, it is the Holy Spirit who will carry us in ways which we will surprise us. If we are not moving at all and comfortably indifferent, we will hinder His plans.
This five-year plan will need to involve all of us. It will not be top down but something which will engage all of us to pray and seek the Lord. I end with these words from Romans 5:5:
And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Romans 5:5