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Faith in Action

"To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."

Colossians 1:27

I started my faith journey way back in 1992 when I came to work in Singapore as a domestic helper. By God's grace, and through the Holy Spirit, my life was truly transformed by the power of God’s Word. Since then, I know He has been, and is still, at work in my life.

I experienced the saving power of Jesus Christ when I made a commitment to His Lordship. I was 32 then and it was the best decision I had ever made in my life. Mark 2:17 says: "Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." When I read it, I was cut to the heart. My heart had been hardened after many difficult years of striving yet failing to do good.

I was ignorant and arrogant, but after accepting the Lordship of Christ, I had a hunger and desire to know Him more. The Bible became my constant companion – even my employer noticed! After completing my work, I read instead of watching tv with them, and I would take notes of verses that really spoke to my heart.

The turning point in my spiritual journey came in 1995. After almost 3 years as a Christian, I was tested by the one thing I swore to myself that I would not let anyone do to me: I was cheated.

And of all people, it was my own mother who cheated me. I wanted to end my life, but as I always did, I turned to my Bible. As I opened it, my eyes caught Colossians 1:27 and the verse struck me to the core, causing me to cry even more. I realized how foolish I was to even think about giving up my life. After composing myself and processing my thoughts and emotions, I realized that money can be earned back but my life is what's important because Christ is in me, So I chose to forgive my mother. I asked the Lord to forgive me and promised that I will never ever think that way again.

My journey from a helper of men to a worker in God’s vineyard has been rather unusual, but I can attest to the faithful divine guidance and provision every step of the way. I pray that we will be encouraged to put our faith in action, remembering that Christ in us is the hope of glory – that we may move mountains as Jesus said.

To God alone be the glory!


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